Sunday, May 25, 2008

May has been filled with lots of activities such as baseball games, a family wedding, visits from Grandma Cheryl and Grandpa Rand and Aunt Brooke, yardwork, piano recitals, dance recitals, waterfights, Medina Lake adventures, shave ice sales, and suprise visits from dad (in San Diego until July). The school year is coming to an end and we getting excited for our summer vacation! The boys did great in school this year. We are so proud of them and their acheivements. We will be going to Utah and San Diego in June and Ben and I will be taking a trip to visit his parents who are serving a mission in Argentina. This will be my first time out of the country and I am so excited!!!

Kittens Anyone?

We finally decided since it seems we are the last people on earth to get a blog spot, we had better get one! We still don't have a DVR, so we are still a little behind! We hope you will enjoy looking at our pictures and keepoing up on all that is going on in our lives. You can count on many adventures and crazy times with us. There is never a dull moment in our lives. Please be patient with us, as we are just learning how to do all this stuff!